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Saturday, 20 August 2011


I realize, if it wasn't for Islam, you would be fornicating with anyone and everyone. You would have been killing and murdering, were it not for the kind maulvi who told you murdering was wrong. You would be stealing and lying, had there not been a religion, because there is no way human beings can know what the right thing to do is and everything is open for pillaging until some old guy with a long beard comes along telling you what to do and what not to do.

It is sad that our social setup has evolved to a state where, from day one, we are discouraged to question anything, and instead, an urge to follow what the "elders" and the "wise" have said is instilled in us with such rigor that when they're done with us we are not only incapable, but also afraid, to think anything for ourselves. We look to others to get our moral bearings and religious guidelines from, and in the process, we have lost something we apparently hold very dear: Democracy.

Democracy is when a society functions according to the will of the majority of the people. But what happens when the majority of the people dont think for themselves, but instead, blindly and religiously follow what a select few say? Pakistan happens, where maulvis, mullahs and politicians rule the country as if it is their property, creating a facade of enmity and opposition.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new blog!
Ultibaat is so much nicer than the twitter handle malang dude!

Malang Dude said...

Thanks! Hahah about the handle, I may agree with you but I'm not changing it at the moment.

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